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What you need to know about Amaranth Microgreens

Did you know?

Amaranth Microgreens stands out with its beautiful and intense red and bright pink colour. These microgreens are very delicate and don’t grow very tall.

Amaranth is a flowering herb that comes from the same family as beets, spinach and quinoa. It’s found in parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America and everything on the plant is edible; the leaves, flowers, and seeds. Amaranth belongs to the Amaranthaceae family under the genus Amaranthus. There are around 75 species around the world. It’s grown as both an annual or a short-lived perennial plant.

Last Summer we planted some in the garden and when left they grew to the height of the barn, we were amazed!! Photo below.

Amaranth has a sweet but mild earthy taste. Similar to beetroot and reminiscent of spinach, with just a bit of sweetness and spiciness to them.

Amaranth Microgreens are great for

  • served with an scrambled egg

  • with seafood

  • garnishes over salad bowls

  • in wraps/ sandwiches / burgers / veggie burgers

  • added to soups

  • with a stir fry, rice /noodle dish

  • with a cheese platter

  • infused as a tea

Pairs well with

  • Charcuterie

  • Cheese Platter

  • Eggs

  • Chicken

  • Prawns

  • For a different way sprinkle on desserts

  • Sprinkled on breakfast porridge

How to take care of your Micro Amaranth

Keep your live microgreens at a cool temperature with good air flow. Not too humid. Favourable temperature range of 18 to 24°C and relative humidity (RH) of 40 to 60 per cent would meet the needs of most plants.

Using a knife (rather than scissors) to cut your live microgreens, this ensures they stay fresher for longer. Keep your live microgreens on a shallow tray/plate. Water once a day, don’t water too much. Always water from below. Avoid watering from above as this may cause mould. The amount of water will vary according to the environmental conditions: i.e. they'll need more water if they're in the sun and wind, than if they're in a sheltered, shady spot. Water them evenly, making sure the growing medium (compost) is moist.

Amaranth are quite a tricky microgreen to grow as they require a delicate balance of water and a good air flow in order to flourish.

Nutritional Facts

Amaranth is filled with goodness and known as a superfood. This gluten-free and low-calorie microgreen contains vitamins A, B, C, and E. To top this, it’s also rich in protein, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and manganese.

Health Benefits

Amaranth microgreens are good for immune and digestive systems, metabolising fatty acids into energy.

  • Supplement your diet

  • Improve immune system

  • Boost recovery speeds

  • Improve eyesight

  • Activate digestion system

  • Act as an antioxidant

  • Decrease graying hair and hair loss

  • Metabolize fatty acids

  • Work against osteoporosis

  • Decrease hunger

Not only are they a major fiber and protein source, but they’re also gluten free.


This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician.

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